Spot Training Myth Buster

[WARNING: Don't read this if you can't handle the truth about your fat].

The most common fitness question I’m asked from men and women is hands-down,“how do I get rid of these” (as they squeeze their love handles or outer thighs). Then they follow with, “What’s the best exercise I should be doing?”

Much of the frustration surrounding fat burning is due to misinformation and unrealistic expectations. You’re not going to like what I have to say now. But here goes…

Spot training for your abs or thighs (or any other body part for that matter) doesn’t work, it’s not possible, and if you’re reading an article about it in a magazine article, turn the page and go make yourself a healthy juice.

The fallacy of spot-training assumes that exercising certain muscles will burn fat off that area; it assumes that a magic sit up machine from an infomercial can get rid of your beer belly.  Back in the day, it assumed that a vibrating stomach belt would do the trick.

Yes, you  can certainly build muscle and tone in specific areas that you workout (vibrating stomach belts don’t count though).  BUT, the only way you can actually burn fat in a specific area is to reduce your overall body fat by creating a calorie deficit. The healthiest way to do that is with consistent exercise (cardio, strength and flexibility workouts) and a healthy, low-calorie diet.

There’s no way around it, so stop looking for the miracle or the “right time” and just start.

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About Steven

Martial Artist, Stuntman, Action Choreographer, Celebrity Trainer, Entrepreneur.
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