DON’T FREAK OUT: The truth about fat vs. muscle

If you’ve been watching your diet and working out like a maniac but find that your weight has increased or stayed the same…don’t freak out and don’t fire your trainer.  NO…muscle does NOT weigh more than fat.  That’s ridiculous because 5 lbs of muscle weighs the same as 5 lbs of fat or 5lbs of ball bearings or 5 lbs of feathers.

5 lbs is 5 lbs.

But as you can see in the above creepy photo, fat is much bulkier than muscle and in turn fat takes up more real estate (volume) in your body than muscle does.  So if you’re carrying around an extra 5 lbs of fat,  you’ll be lumpier than if it were an extra 5 lbs of  muscle.  Capiche?

A woman weighing 120 pounds with 15% fat will look much smaller than a woman at 120 pounds with 25% fat. They may weigh exactly the same, but their composition is entirely different. So ixnay on the obsession with your scale and start paying attention to your body composition.  How your high school jeans fit you and how you look in the mirror in your birthday suit is much more telling.

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About Steven

Martial Artist, Stuntman, Action Choreographer, Celebrity Trainer, Entrepreneur.
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